24 ''' Douglas Hawkins ''' from Carbondale ( 18 ) - 4 - Teams: '''Nashville''', Detroit, Ames and Del Mar
24 ''' Douglas Hawkins ''' from Carbondale ( 18 ) - 4 - Teams: '''Nashville''', Detroit, Ames and Del Mar
25 ''' Bruce Ivory ''' from Wilmington ( 4 ) - 4 - Teams: Harrisburg, Alexandria, Montpelier and Reno
25 ''' Bruce Ivory ''' from Wilmington ( 4 ) - 4 - Teams: Harrisburg, '''Alexandria''', Montpelier and Reno
26 ''' Kip Steele ''' from Raleigh ( 7 ) - 4 - Teams: Montpelier, Carnegie, Tallahassee and Raleigh
26 ''' Kip Steele ''' from Raleigh ( 7 ) - 4 - Teams: Montpelier, Carnegie, '''Tallahassee''' and Raleigh
27 ''' Gabby Moler ''' from Owensboro ( 17 ) - 4 - Teams: Harrisburg, Jacksonville, Houston and Las Vegas
27 ''' Gabby Moler ''' from Owensboro ( 17 ) - 4 - Teams: Harrisburg, Jacksonville, Houston and '''Las Vegas'''
28 ''' Vernon Welch ''' from Rockford ( 14 ) - 4 - Teams: Reading, Indianpolis, Columbus and Fresno
28 ''' Vernon Welch ''' from Rockford ( 14 ) - 4 - Teams: Reading, '''Indianapolis''', Columbus and Fresno
29 ''' Sharone Olmstead ''' from Pensacola ( 12 ) - 4 - Teams: Daytona, Tuscaloosa, Biloxi and Miami
29 ''' Sharone Olmstead ''' from Pensacola ( 12 ) - 4 - Teams: Daytona, '''Tuscaloosa''', Biloxi and Miami
30 ''' Austin Lee ''' from Branson ( 17 ) - 4 - Teams: Madison, Owensboro, Knoxville and Lake Tahoe
30 ''' Austin Lee ''' from Branson ( 17 ) - 4 - Teams: Madison, Owensboro, '''Knoxville''' and Lake Tahoe
31 ''' Aron Gilmore ''' from Montpelier ( 6 ) - 4 - Teams: Camden, Greenville, Mobile and Reno
31 ''' Aron Gilmore ''' from Montpelier ( 6 ) - 4 - Teams: Camden, Greenville, Mobile and '''Reno'''
32 ''' Donnie Burley ''' from Memphis ( 14 ) - 4 - Teams: Reading, Clemson, Waterloo and Glendale
32 ''' Donnie Burley ''' from Memphis ( 14 ) - 4 - Teams: '''Reading''', Clemson, Waterloo and Glendale
33 ''' David Hill ''' from Washington ( 1 ) - 4 - Teams: Annapolis, Carnegie, Cincinnati and Lexington
33 ''' David Hill ''' from Washington ( 1 ) - 4 - Teams: Annapolis, '''Carnegie''', Cincinnati and Lexington
34 ''' Darren Allison ''' from Kalamazoo ( 20 ) - 4 - Teams: Hershey, Hialeah, Pierre and Inglewood
34 ''' Darren Allison ''' from Kalamazoo ( 20 ) - 4 - Teams: Hershey, Hialeah, Pierre and '''Inglewood'''
35 ''' Tracey Rhoden ''' from Baltimore ( 4 ) - 4 - Teams: New Haven, Albany, Bethlehem and Cooperstown
35 ''' Tracey Rhoden ''' from Baltimore ( 4 ) - 4 - Teams: New Haven, Albany, '''Bethlehem''' and Cooperstown
36 ''' Gush Dunkelberger ''' from Kississimmee ( 8 ) - 4 - Teams: Kissimmee, Tampa, West Palm Beach and Gainesville
36 ''' Gush Dunkelberger ''' from Kississimmee ( 8 ) - 4 - Teams: Kissimmee, Tampa, West Palm Beach and '''Gainesville'''
37 ''' Donald Brann ''' from Yakima ( 30 ) - 4 - Teams: Yuma, Tacoma, Santa Fe and Flagstaff
37 ''' Donald Brann ''' from Yakima ( 30 ) - 4 - Teams: Yuma, '''Tacoma''', Santa Fe and Flagstaff
38 ''' Norm Thompson ''' from Omaha ( 24 ) - 4 - Teams: Omaha, Norman, San Antonio and Arlington
38 ''' Norm Thompson ''' from Omaha ( 24 ) - 4 - Teams: Omaha, Norman, '''San Antonio''' and Arlington
39 ''' Alan Cheek ''' from Biloxi ( 12 ) - 3 - Teams: Naples, New Orleans and Biloxi
39 ''' Alan Cheek ''' from Biloxi ( 12 ) - 3 - Teams: '''Naples''', New Orleans and Biloxi
40 ''' Kevin Hernandez ''' from Tempe ( 29 ) - 3 - Teams: Frankfort, Glendale and Cambridge
40 ''' Kevin Hernandez ''' from Tempe ( 29 ) - 3 - Teams: '''Frankfort''', Glendale and Cambridge
41 ''' Ivan Hall ''' from Decatur ( 7 ) - 3 - Teams: Concord, Tallahassee and Raleigh
41 ''' Ivan Hall ''' from Decatur ( 7 ) - 3 - Teams: Concord, '''Tallahassee''' and Raleigh
42 ''' William Dickson ''' from Anchorage ( 30 ) - 3 - Teams: Manassas, Tuscaloosa and Lexington
42 ''' William Dickson ''' from Anchorage ( 30 ) - 3 - Teams: Manassas, Tuscaloosa and '''Lexington'''
43 ''' Timmy Butler ''' from Wheeling ( 3 ) - 3 - Teams: Buffalo, Inglewood and Lake Tahoe
43 ''' Timmy Butler ''' from Wheeling ( 3 ) - 3 - Teams: Buffalo, Inglewood and '''Lake Tahoe'''
44 ''' Julio Wilson ''' from Albany ( 4 ) - 3 - Teams: Wilmington, Frankfort, Aberdeen
44 ''' Julio Wilson ''' from Albany ( 4 ) - 3 - Teams: '''Wilmington''', Frankfort, Aberdeen
45 ''' Boyd Reed ''' from Boca Raton ( 13 ) - 3 - Teams: New Orleans, Miami and Jefferson City
45 ''' Boyd Reed ''' from Boca Raton ( 13 ) - 3 - Teams: New Orleans, '''Miami''' and Jefferson City
46 ''' Troy Lujan ''' from San Francisco ( 29 ) - 3 - Teams: Las Vegas, Portland and Santa Ana
46 ''' Troy Lujan ''' from San Francisco ( 29 ) - 3 - Teams: '''Las Vegas''', Portland and Santa Ana
47 ''' Rafael Herrera ''' from Riverside ( 29 ) - 3 - Teams: Scottsdale, San Jose and Santa Ana
47 ''' Rafael Herrera ''' from Riverside ( 29 ) - 3 - Teams: '''Scottsdale''', San Jose and Santa Ana
48 ''' Terence Maynes ''' from Yonkers ( ) - 3 - Teams: St. Petersburg, Jefferson City and College Station
48 ''' Terence Maynes ''' from Yonkers ( ) - 3 - Teams: St. Petersburg, '''Jefferson City''' and College Station
49 ''' Brett McBride ''' from Jackson ( 10 ) - 3 - Teams: Waterloo, College Station and Del Mar
49 ''' Brett McBride ''' from Jackson ( 10 ) - 3 - Teams: '''Waterloo''', College Station and Del Mar
50 ''' Matthew Mroz ''' from Lansing ( 15 ) - 3 - Teams: Ann Arbor, South Bend and Dearborn
50 ''' Matthew Mroz ''' from Lansing ( 15 ) - 3 - Teams: '''Ann Arbor''', South Bend and Dearborn
51 ''' Ernesto Rodriguez ''' from St. Martinsville ( 9 ) - 3 - Teams: Erie, Sarasota and St. Louis
51 ''' Ernesto Rodriguez ''' from St. Martinsville ( 9 ) - 3 - Teams: Erie, Sarasota and '''St. Louis'''
52 ''' Jack Trujillo ''' from Peoria ( 16 ) - 3 - Teams: Pontiac, Laramie and Seattle
52 ''' Jack Trujillo ''' from Peoria ( 16 ) - 3 - Teams: Pontiac, Laramie and '''Seattle'''
53 ''' Mo Mutombo ''' from Glendale ( 27 ) - 3 - Teams: Bakersfield, Oakland and San Diego
53 ''' Mo Mutombo ''' from Glendale ( 27 ) - 3 - Teams: '''Bakersfield''', Oakland and San Diego
54 ''' Kirby Mallory ''' from Manassas ( 2 ) - 3 - Teams: New York City, Providence and Garland
54 ''' Kirby Mallory ''' from Manassas ( 2 ) - 3 - Teams: New York City, '''Providence''' and Garland
55 ''' Sheldon Willis ''' from Amarillo ( 24 ) - 3 - Teams: Abilene, Amarillo and Beaumont
55 ''' Sheldon Willis ''' from Amarillo ( 24 ) - 3 - Teams: Abilene, '''Amarillo''' and Beaumont
   Exception encountered, of type "Error"
[4f1a7b3e] /wiki/index.php?diff=7620&oldid=6072&title=L15_Class_69 Error from line 434 of /home/modsim/simsports.sainio.org/wiki/includes/diff/DairikiDiff.php: Call to undefined function each()
#0 /home/modsim/simsports.sainio.org/wiki/includes/diff/DairikiDiff.php(544): DiffEngine->diag(integer, integer, integer, integer, integer)
#1 /home/modsim/simsports.sainio.org/wiki/includes/diff/DairikiDiff.php(344): DiffEngine->compareSeq(integer, integer, integer, integer)
#2 /home/modsim/simsports.sainio.org/wiki/includes/diff/DairikiDiff.php(227): DiffEngine->diffLocal(array, array)
#3 /home/modsim/simsports.sainio.org/wiki/includes/diff/DairikiDiff.php(721): DiffEngine->diff(array, array)
#4 /home/modsim/simsports.sainio.org/wiki/includes/diff/DairikiDiff.php(859): Diff->__construct(array, array)
#5 /home/modsim/simsports.sainio.org/wiki/includes/diff/DairikiDiff.php(980): MappedDiff->__construct(array, array, array, array)
#6 /home/modsim/simsports.sainio.org/wiki/includes/diff/TableDiffFormatter.php(194): WordLevelDiff->__construct(array, array)
#7 /home/modsim/simsports.sainio.org/wiki/includes/diff/DiffFormatter.php(140): TableDiffFormatter->changed(array, array)
#8 /home/modsim/simsports.sainio.org/wiki/includes/diff/DiffFormatter.php(82): DiffFormatter->block(integer, integer, integer, integer, array)
#9 /home/modsim/simsports.sainio.org/wiki/includes/diff/DifferenceEngine.php(881): DiffFormatter->format(Diff)
#10 /home/modsim/simsports.sainio.org/wiki/includes/diff/DifferenceEngine.php(797): DifferenceEngine->generateTextDiffBody(string, string)
#11 /home/modsim/simsports.sainio.org/wiki/includes/diff/DifferenceEngine.php(728): DifferenceEngine->generateContentDiffBody(WikitextContent, WikitextContent)
#12 /home/modsim/simsports.sainio.org/wiki/includes/diff/DifferenceEngine.php(662): DifferenceEngine->getDiffBody()
#13 /home/modsim/simsports.sainio.org/wiki/includes/diff/DifferenceEngine.php(632): DifferenceEngine->getDiff(string, string, string)
#14 /home/modsim/simsports.sainio.org/wiki/includes/diff/DifferenceEngine.php(453): DifferenceEngine->showDiff(string, string, string)
#15 /home/modsim/simsports.sainio.org/wiki/includes/page/Article.php(797): DifferenceEngine->showDiffPage(boolean)
#16 /home/modsim/simsports.sainio.org/wiki/includes/page/Article.php(508): Article->showDiffPage()
#17 /home/modsim/simsports.sainio.org/wiki/includes/actions/ViewAction.php(44): Article->view()
#18 /home/modsim/simsports.sainio.org/wiki/includes/MediaWiki.php(490): ViewAction->show()
#19 /home/modsim/simsports.sainio.org/wiki/includes/MediaWiki.php(287): MediaWiki->performAction(Article, Title)
#20 /home/modsim/simsports.sainio.org/wiki/includes/MediaWiki.php(714): MediaWiki->performRequest()
#21 /home/modsim/simsports.sainio.org/wiki/includes/MediaWiki.php(508): MediaWiki->main()
#22 /home/modsim/simsports.sainio.org/wiki/index.php(41): MediaWiki->run()
#23 {main}