Recruit overview for S41

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JB's quick overview

This recruiting class definitely needed a new thread.

Dayton Fightin Ags: 10/5 class

6'8" Don Edwards - Shooter and passer.

6'6" Hai Rosenberry - Shooter and defender.

6'8" Al Sant - Shooter, defender and handler.

Milwaukee Gorillas: 13/6 class

7'3" Earl Hewitt - Handles and height.

6'11" Eric Santillo - Shooter and rebounder.

Cincinnati Hitmen: 21/12 class

6'6" Delbert Marble - Scorer and passer.

St Louis Masqueraders: 58/22 class

Three guys - Scorers and defenders.

Peoria War Eagles: 51/46 class

6'9" Ainsley Eversole - Scorer, defender, and rebounder.

6'4" Nelson Cunningham - Scorer and defender.

Youngstown Jazz: 69/49 class

6'6" Leonard and 6'6" Larry - Scorers, defenders, and passers.

Sioux City and Pontiac - Still in 7th and 8th

Blalock's Assesment team by team

Man this conference is just gonna start getting so tough to win in. I can't believe the success of all the coaches in this conference in recruiting, and I finally think that will start resulting in C16 being at the top of the Conference rankings for a while.

It looks like Milwaukee really made a statement this season in recruiting landing to post monsters that should be mainstays down low as their program this season looks to build on their SR class talent that surprised many last season and will be able to look to the future with hope with these FR.

Peoria continues bringing in solid classes and hopefully replaces some of their very talented graduated class with these guys. Coach Balla has really done a great job building the War Eagles into consistent competitors, who have shown they can play with the big boys.

Youngstown built on a terrific class last season to give them four consecutive top 100 classes, which you definitely won't find in its history. They should only grow up even more with the added young talent. We'll be waiting to see if the talent can mesh together and find some chemistry this season. Coach Ospete will have the talent this year and a SR leader in Williams, its just a matter of putting it together to make it to the NTT.

Meanwhile, Cincinnati landed its best class in a long while giving them more than just above average players for once. In Delbert Marble, Cinci may have found the all-around star guard that can lift them out of their recent slump and back into their annual NTT runs. I like the looks of this undersized Cinci team with Marble sliding in at any of three Guard slots. It looks like C16 will once again be respecting the talent on this team, not just the coaching.

To me, St. Louis is gearing up to win the NTT, not just take a shot at it, but to win it in one LG5's all-time great's SR season, Marquis Hopson. They added a little grease to the engine this off-season with three solid back-up players who can all contribute coming off the bench. After two seasons of playing together, Hopson and the JR 2/3 class look like they are finally ready to put together a magical season.

Dayton will be strong this season as they return their four most important starters and add a 5/10 ranked class, but how good they'll be still remains very much up in the air. Maybe the team will grow up a little bit more this season, or maybe the lack of height in guard position will continue to hinder this teams ability to be able to take down the best. It also remains to be seen if any of the FR will fit into their roles they are being assigned.

Overall there is little doubt about this conference's ability, but only the proving of it on the floor. I'm looking forward to this season as it should be extremely exciting competition. Good luck to all of our coaches and I'll be seeing Y'all soon on the court.