L27 Class 75

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League 27 Home
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73 Preseason NTT HS '73 Wrap-up
74 Preseason NTT HS '74 Wrap-up
75 Preseason NTT HS '75 Wrap-up
76 Preseason NTT HS '76 Wrap-up
77 Preseason NTT HS '77 Wrap-up
Conf. 1 Conf. 2 Conf. 3 Conf. 4 Conf. 5
Conf. 6 Conf. 7 Conf. 8 Conf. 9 Conf. 10
Conf. 11 Conf. 12 Conf. 13 Conf. 14 Conf. 15
Conf. 16 Conf. 17 Conf. 18 Conf. 19 Conf. 20
Conf. 21 Conf. 22 Conf. 23 Conf. 24 Conf. 25
Conf. 26 Conf. 27 Conf. 28 Conf. 29 Conf. 30
Conf. 31 Conf. 32

Team Recruiting Rankings

Rank Team Rating
1. Houston +90.0
2. Carnegie +81.9
3. Panama City +75.9
4. Anchorage +75.1
5. Greenville +71.6
6. Raleigh +70.4
7. Keystone +69.8
8. Tallahassee +66.3
9. Concord +64.4
10. South Bend +63.5
11. Baton Rouge +63.2
12. Bismarck +62.1
13. Youngstown +61.3
14. Lincoln +60.7
15. Dearborn +59.0
16. Hartford +56.7
17. Naples +56.1
18. Louisville +54.8
19. Washington +54.8
20. Blacksburg +54.5
21. Newark +54.2
22. Mobile +52.3
23. St. Martinville +52.2
24. Oakland +51.8
25. Corpus Christi +51.4
26. Carbondale +51.3
27. Terre-Haute +51.2
28. Jefferson City +50.3
29. Idaho Falls +50.1
30. Austin +49.8
31. Hialeah +49.0
32. Santa Fe +48.9
33. Charlotte +48.9
34. Fresno +47.8
35. Wichita +46.8
36. Topeka +46.4
37. Billings +44.4
38. Sumter +42.8
39. West Palm Beach +42.6
40. Cheyenne +41.5
41. Fargo +41.5
42. Des Moines +41.0
43. Starkville +40.5
44. Erie +40.4
45. Decatur +40.2
46. Omaha +40.1
47. Yuma +39.7
48. Bethlehem +39.4
49. St. Cloud +38.5
50. Hot Springs +38.4
51. Jersey City +38.3
52. Baltimore +38.2
53. Los Angeles +38.1
54. Augusta +37.8
55. Chattanooga +37.5
56. Bloomington +37.4
57. Sioux City +36.4
58. Nashville +36.3
59. Jackson +35.5
60. El Paso +34.3
61. Syracuse +34.2
62. Lexington +34.1
63. Boca Raton +32.4
64. Aspen +32.1
65. Richmond +32.0
66. Daytona +31.6
67. Ocala +29.9
68. Birmingham +29.7
69. Cedar Rapids +29.1
70. Seattle +28.6
71. Carson City +27.7
72. Galveston +27.7
73. Carlsbad +26.8
74. Tuscaloosa +26.4
75. Peoria +26.1
76. Savannah +25.9
77. Rockford +25.5
78. Odessa +25.4
79. Columbia +25.2
80. Huntington Beach +23.9
81. Tampa +23.3
82. Cambridge +22.8
83. Clemson +22.7
84. Dayton +22.1
85. Bangor +21.9
86. Asheville +21.4
87. Myrtle Beach +21.4
88. Buffalo +21.2
89. Virginia Beach +21.0
90. Oklahoma City +20.6
91. Del Mar +20.4
92. St. Paul +19.9
93. Vicksburg +19.0
94. Wheeling +19.0
95. Pasadena +18.3
96. Cincinnati +17.0
97. Annapolis +16.3
98. Branson +16.2
99. Lancaster +16.1
100. Philadelphia +15.8
101. Chicago +15.6
102. Tacoma +15.2
103. Pontiac +15.2
104. Lake Tahoe +15.1
105. Laredo +14.4
106. Reading +13.8
107. Kissimmee +13.6
108. Knoxville +13.6
109. Twin Falls +13.5
110. Dover +13.4
111. Lansing +13.3
112. Macon +12.9
113. Orlando +12.2
114. Madison +11.9
115. Milwaukee +11.7
116. Memphis +10.6
117. Athens +10.4
118. Cleveland +9.5
119. Montgomery +9.1
120. Fort Worth +9.0
121. Culver City +8.9
122. Aberdeen +8.8
123. San Diego +8.5
124. Gainesville +7.9
125. New Orleans +7.9
126. Camden +6.7
127. Laramie +5.9
128. Salem +5.7
129. Shawnee +5.5
130. Norman +4.9
131. Las Vegas +4.8
132. Flint +3.8
133. Albany +3.1
134. St. Petersburg +2.9
135. St. Louis +2.9
136. Sacramento +1.8
137. Rochester +1.7
138. Ft. Lauderdale +1.6
139. Sioux Falls +1.1
140. Grand Rapids +0.3
141. Santa Ana +0.1
142. Beaumont -0.8
143. Durham -0.8
144. Albuquerque -1.0
145. Boston -1.1
146. Kansas City -1.5
147. Springfield -1.6
148. Stockton -2.0
149. Portland -2.1
150. New York City -2.9
151. Silver City -3.0
152. Atlanta -3.1
153. Wilkes-Barre -3.2
154. Casper -3.7
155. Bakersfield -4.1
156. Utica -4.2
157. Atlantic City -5.3
158. Allentown -6.2
159. Pierre -6.3
160. Minneapolis -7.0
161. Ithaca -7.6
162. Jacksonville -7.7
163. Charleston -8.1
164. New Haven -8.1
165. Yakima -8.1
166. Gulf Shores -8.3
167. Burbank -8.4
168. Ft. Myers -8.9
169. Manassas -9.3
170. Inglewood -9.4
171. Mesa -10.0
172. Pensacola -10.0
173. Fremont -10.4
174. Brunswick -10.5
175. Scranton -11.4
176. Eugene -11.7
177. Colorado Springs -12.0
178. Trenton -12.4
179. Bowling Green -12.7
180. Akron -13.7
181. Plainview -14.9
182. Greensboro -15.1
183. Abilene -16.3
184. Providence -17.1
185. Huntsville -17.5
186. Detroit -17.6
187. Scottsdale -17.7
188. Helena -19.5
189. Clearwater -20.6
190. Stamford -20.8
191. Pueblo -22.2
192. Wilmington -23.8
193. Fort Wayne -23.9
194. Paducah -24.0
195. Boulder -24.5
196. College Station -24.8
197. Independence -25.2
198. Riverside -25.5
199. Cooperstown -26.3
200. Ames -26.8
201. Miami -27.4
202. Long Beach -28.0
203. Tucson -30.0
204. Honolulu -30.3
205. Aurora -31.5
206. Indianapolis -32.6
207. Arlington -32.8
208. Tempe -33.5
209. Amarillo -34.0
210. Joplin -34.1
211. Kalamazoo -35.3
212. San Francisco -36.0
213. Pittsburgh -36.4
214. Olympia -37.7
215. Montpelier -38.2
216. Toledo -38.7
217. Anaheim -38.9
218. Shreveport -40.2
219. San Jose -40.5
220. Biloxi -41.5
221. Garland -44.2
222. Morgantown -45.2
223. Little Rock -45.5
224. Glendale -46.8
225. Salt Lake City -46.9
226. Harrisburg -48.5
227. Evansville -49.7
228. Alexandria -51.7
229. Flagstaff -53.8
230. Columbus -55.5
231. Tulsa -56.4
232. Waterloo -56.7
233. Worcester -56.8
234. Norfolk -57.0
235. Duluth -57.4
236. Spokane -57.7
237. Yonkers -58.4
238. Phoenix -59.7
239. Ann Arbor -60.3
240. Oxford -60.6
241. Owensboro -60.8
242. Stillwater -61.8
243. Denver -64.2
244. Sarasota -64.4
245. San Antonio -64.7
246. Battle Creek -66.8
247. Boise -69.2
248. Hershey -70.0
249. Reno -71.3
250. Green Bay -72.1
251. Dallas -81.0
252. Canton -98.0
253. Lubbock -102.8
254. Frankfort -103.1
255. Midland -105.0
256. Roswell -112.7

Created by League Commissioner v1.0.3

L27 Stats Leaders: G27

Points Leaders

Rnk Name Reg Ht Pos Points
1. Earl Dawson 22 6'8 PF 27.7
2. Rusty Hagedorn 20 6'7 PF 27.5
3. Corey Gillham 24 6'5 SG 26.4
4. Andrew Medina 24 6'8 SF 25.0
5. Derek Talamantes 2 6'5 SG 24.3
6. Joe Irvine 8 6'6 PG 24.0
7. Lucius Gallagher 1 6'6 PG 23.9
8. Spencer Thorpe 3 6'4 SG 23.7
9. Calvin Schmitt 14 6'4 SG 23.6
10. Kenneth Battle 23 6'4 SG 23.5

Rebounds Leaders

Rnk Name Reg Ht Pos Rebounds
1. Hubert Jolly 30 6'11 C 10.0
2. Nathan West 32 7'0 C 9.8
3. Otha Alonso 2 7'1 C 9.6
4. Quintin Jessen 20 6'9 C 9.4
5. D.J. Bundy 7 6'10 C 9.3
6. Brett Mabe 12 6'11 C 9.1
7. Howard Stephenson 8 6'9 C 8.9
8. Todd Vissing 13 6'10 C 8.9
9. B.J. Metzler 24 6'10 C 8.9
10. Lonnie Vincent 18 6'11 C 8.8

Assists Leaders

Rnk Name Reg Ht Pos Assists
1. Marion Randolph 24 6'2 PG 4.8
2. Roberto Lindsey 27 6'4 PG 4.5
3. Kenneth Jean 6 6'4 PG 4.3
4. Shea Newell 21 6'1 PG 4.1
5. Lamont Phillips 3 6'6 PG 4.0
6. Damian Stonge 9 6'6 PG 3.7
7. Norman Houle 19 6'0 PG 3.7
8. Charlie Stallman 23 6'2 PG 3.7
9. Joaquin Tanner 31 5'11 PG 3.7
10. Adam Stumbaugh 1 6'1 PG 3.6

Steals Leaders

Rnk Name Reg Ht Pos Steals
1. Albert Dery 8 6'0 PG 2.1
2. Deshawn Radford 13 6'1 PG 2.1
3. Jaime Ramirez 1 6'3 PG 2.0
4. Roland Urena 9 6'7 SF 2.0
5. Brandon Russ 14 6'6 SG 2.0
6. Seth Berg 19 6'3 PG 2.0
7. Phillip Moody 23 6'4 PG 2.0
8. Alex Dyer 24 6'1 PG 2.0
9. Carlos Campbell 25 6'4 SG 2.0
10. Steven Stevens 29 6'5 SG 2.0

Turnovers Leaders

Rnk Name Reg Ht Pos Turnovers
1. Gary White 16 6'0 PG 3.9
2. Charles Layton 30 6'2 PG 3.9
3. Lewis Cooke 8 6'1 PG 3.8
4. Dean Moser 13 5'11 PG 3.7
5. Javon Carrington 26 6'1 PG 3.7
6. Jordan Nolette 17 5'11 PG 3.6
7. Greg Ready 28 6'2 PG 3.6
8. Luis Hahn 1 6'5 PG 3.5
9. Roderick Murphy 4 6'2 PG 3.5
10. Willie Wheeler 30 6'6 PG 3.5

Blocks Leaders

Rnk Name Reg Ht Pos Blocks
1. Mathew Watts 4 6'9 C 2.3
2. Ernest Thompson 2 6'10 C 2.2
3. Len Vazquez 7 7'0 C 2.0
4. Paul Dominique 26 6'9 C 2.0
5. Kenneth Farrell 31 6'11 C 2.0
6. Pookie Trautman 3 6'9 C 1.9
7. Otis Hedges 6 6'10 C 1.9
8. Jaime Harris 10 6'11 C 1.9
9. Marcus Mccown 13 6'10 C 1.9
10. Jack Jones 19 6'7 C 1.9

Created by League Commissioner v1.0.3

High School All-America

1st Team All-League

PG Kordell Carter Cedar Rapids 6'6 23.0 3.1 2.5 1.5 0.4 2.0
SG Mack Greene Jackson 6'6 20.0 4.9 2.0 0.9 0.3 0.9
SF Andrew Medina Norman 6'8 25.0 4.6 1.0 1.4 0.9 0.7
PF Earl Dawson Helena 6'8 27.7 5.9 0.0 1.4 1.0 1.5
C Shawn Cote Keystone 6'8 21.0 7.1 0.9 1.4 1.0 0.6

2nd Team All-League

PG Jontae Wells Trenton 6'5 19.3 2.9 3.2 1.3 0.4 1.3
SG Corey Gillham Corpus Christi 6'5 26.4 3.3 1.0 0.6 0.3 1.0
SF Raymond Wheeler Montpelier 6'7 21.7 4.7 1.0 1.3 0.9 0.9
PF Thomas Mandel Spokane 6'11 15.9 8.3 1.0 1.8 1.7 1.0
C Gregory Eskridge Scranton 6'10 19.8 8.2 1.0 1.1 1.5 0.7

3rd Team All-League

PG Jamie Lowe Biloxi 6'2 16.3 2.0 3.4 1.9 0.3 1.1
SG Jeffrey Martel Rockford 6'4 21.9 2.1 1.4 1.6 0.3 1.3
SF Kenny Drake Santa Ana 6'8 21.4 5.1 0.9 1.3 0.7 1.5
PF Rusty Hagedorn Chicago 6'7 27.5 4.9 0.3 1.1 0.7 1.7
C Todd Lane Carbondale 6'10 18.9 8.0 0.6 1.4 1.6 1.1

4th Team All-League

PG Gaylen Mei Fort Worth 6'6 19.6 3.4 2.4 1.3 0.3 1.5
SG Nicholas Go Biloxi 6'2 21.4 3.7 1.5 1.0 0.3 1.0
SF Roscoe Griffin Independence 6'7 19.9 4.3 1.2 1.2 0.8 0.5
PF Scotty Sawyer Twin Falls 6'11 18.8 6.7 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.8
C Adam Chin Miami 6'11 14.0 7.7 2.1 1.4 1.7 1.0

All-Defense Team

PG Deshawn Radford Evansville 6'1 21.1 1.9 1.0 2.1 0.3 2.8
SG Brandon Russ St. Paul 6'6 17.1 3.7 1.3 2.0 0.5 1.3
SF Roland Urena St. Martinville 6'7 17.0 4.5 0.9 2.0 0.6 2.1
PF Thomas Mandel Spokane 6'11 15.9 8.3 1.0 1.8 1.7 1.0
C Armon Ellenberger Cleveland 6'9 10.5 7.1 1.3 1.9 1.3 1.0

Player of the Year

Earl Dawson Helena 6'8 27.7 5.9 0.0 1.4 1.0 1.5

Created by League Commissioner v1.0.3

L27 S75 Recruit Rankings

Rank Player School Awards
1 6'8 PF Earl Dawson Peoria **1st Team AA **POY
2 6'6 PG Jarvis Fogel Houston
3 6'8 SF Andrew Medina Houston **1st Team AA
4 6'10 C Gregory Eskridge Hartford **2nd Team AA
5 6'6 PG Kordell Carter Newark **1st Team AA
6 6'7 C Jack Jones Terre-Haute
7 6'6 PG Joe Irvine Concord
8 6'7 C Robert Carr Anchorage
9 6'6 PG Gaylen Mei Corpus Christi **4th Team AA
10 6'8 C Shawn Cote Fargo **1st Team AA
11 6'6 SG Joshua Gerlach Dearborn
12 6'11 PF Thomas Mandel Greenville **2nd Team AA **All-Defense
13 6'8 C Harry Walton Carnegie
14 6'8 PG Gregory Marshall Knoxville
15 6'6 PG Lucius Gallagher Washington
16 6'10 C B.J. Metzler Bismarck
17 6'11 C Carl Cain Carnegie
18 6'6 SG Mack Greene Tallahassee **1st Team AA
19 6'8 SF Kenny Drake Anchorage **3rd Team AA
20 6'9 C Howard Stephenson Panama City
21 6'7 PF Rusty Hagedorn Louisville **3rd Team AA
22 6'3 SG Oscar Chalmers Shawnee
23 6'5 SG Derek Talamantes Greenville
24 6'10 C Otis Hedges Austin
25 6'11 C Jaime Harris Baton Rouge
26 6'9 C Jerry Orozco Keystone
27 6'9 C Harold Lawrence St. Martinville
28 6'11 C Brett Mabe Naples
29 6'8 C Joseph Luciano Milwaukee
30 6'8 C Randall Carty Keystone
31 6'7 SF Roscoe Griffin Charlotte **4th Team AA
32 6'5 PG Chang Robinson Youngstown
33 6'0 PG Wilbur Sidwell Carnegie
34 6'6 SG Brandon Russ Panama City **All-Defense
35 6'5 SG Nathan Cisee Raleigh
36 6'4 PG Michael Holm Wheeling
37 6'7 SF Raymond Wheeler Erie **2nd Team AA
38 6'10 C Marcus Mccown South Bend
39 6'5 PG Jontae Wells New Haven **2nd Team AA
40 6'10 C Todd Vissing Starkville
41 6'11 C Kyle Bailey Houston
42 6'8 C Jim Boehme Omaha
43 6'6 SG James Cronin Oakland
44 6'4 SG Calvin Schmitt Pasadena
45 6'10 C Chang Mcgonigal Panama City
46 7'1 C Stephen Crawford Lincoln
47 6'10 C Ernest Thompson Raleigh
48 6'8 SF Henry Wile Montpelier
49 6'4 SG Perry Kirkland Myrtle Beach
50 6'8 C Jose Coronado Boca Raton
51 6'4 PG Derek Gann South Bend
52 6'2 PG Jamie Lowe Baton Rouge **3rd Team AA
53 6'6 SG Otto Turner Hialeah
54 6'9 C Skip Starling Raleigh
55 6'4 SG Christian Wallace Idaho Falls
56 6'7 PF Daniel Perez Youngstown
57 6'5 SG Corey Gillham Chattanooga **2nd Team AA
58 6'8 SF Terence Mazur Huntington Beach
59 6'9 PF Thomas Courtney Brunswick
60 6'6 SG Martin Freeman Kissimmee
61 5'10 PG Sean Polson Tallahassee
62 6'8 SF Nelson Pitts Starkville
63 6'2 SG Nicholas Go Carbondale **4th Team AA
64 6'7 SF Roland Urena Blacksburg **All-Defense
65 6'9 C Logan Heroux Topeka
66 7'0 C Len Vazquez Scranton
67 6'9 C Paul Dominique Lincoln
68 6'3 SG William Carper Richmond
69 6'5 C Gideon Moser Mobile
70 6'3 PG Matthew Nash Santa Fe
71 6'7 SF Marvin Beck Yuma
72 6'6 SG Jack Todd Mesa
73 6'5 SG Harvey Koller Fort Worth
74 6'11 C Hubert Jolly Los Angeles
75 6'11 PF Scotty Sawyer Erie **4th Team AA
76 6'6 SG Mike Mullins Odessa
77 6'1 PG Francis Gaston Fresno
78 6'6 SG Donyell Newsome Concord
79 6'11 C Lee Welch Bismarck
80 6'10 C D.J. Bundy Augusta
81 6'8 C Ollie Lopez Idaho Falls
82 6'7 C Conley Whetsel Des Moines
83 6'7 SF Alonzo Gipe Sumter
84 6'8 PF Milton Kendrick Jefferson City
85 6'4 SG Kenneth Battle Clemson
86 6'9 SF Donnie Ochoa Baltimore
87 6'7 SG Malcolm Chow West Palm Beach
88 6'3 SG Donald Han Billings
89 6'7 PF Clifford Nuno Birmingham
90 6'8 C Gerald Newman Omaha
91 6'3 SG Gregorio Baldwin Casper
92 6'6 SG Omar Dickerson Memphis
93 6'5 PG Oscar Delarosa Oakland
94 6'4 PG Iggy Nichols Naples
95 6'2 PG Arnie Maravilla Bethlehem
96 6'6 SG Deshawn Cooperman College Station
97 6'9 C Joseph Branch Daytona
98 6'10 C Todd Lane Louisville **3rd Team AA
99 6'11 C Lonnie Vincent St. Cloud
100 6'10 C Maxwell Hanes Jefferson City
101 6'8 SF Samuel Wolfe Charleston
102 6'11 C David Evans Kansas City
103 6'11 C Luis Fleming Keystone
104 5'11 PG Cesar Williams Blacksburg
105 6'4 PG Timothy Leaf Tampa
106 6'3 SG Rod Holmes Billings
107 6'5 SG Brent Ferguson Jersey City
108 6'8 C Nicholas Rodriguez Fresno
109 6'8 SF Terry Bourgeois Lake Tahoe
110 7'0 C Nathan West Hartford
111 6'8 PF Keith Haddix Mobile
112 6'6 PF Darren Klemenz Seattle
113 6'11 C Francis Cargill Orlando
114 7'1 C Otha Alonso Peoria
115 6'6 SG Drew Comstock Helena
116 6'4 SG Jeffrey Martel Rockford **3rd Team AA
117 6'3 SG Larry Meraz Bloomington
118 6'1 PG Ralph Portillo Tallahassee
119 6'10 C Miguel Meighan Carbondale
120 6'11 C Adam Chin Ocala **4th Team AA
121 6'4 PG Clyde Puente Corpus Christi
122 6'6 PG Stephen Washington Columbia
123 6'5 PG Isaiah Seabrook Memphis
124 6'4 SG Stephen Hanson Austin
125 6'7 C Jarrod Harlow Waterloo
126 6'6 SG Gregory Espada Lincoln
127 6'8 SF Noe Schalk Fremont
128 6'8 C Leo Scarbrough Anchorage
129 6'8 SF Delbert White Wichita
130 6'11 C Roosevelt Poole South Bend
131 6'8 C Drew Archer Cheyenne
132 6'2 PG Kyle Fountain Laredo
133 6'8 SF Anthony Frasure Syracuse
134 6'5 SG Royce Pinto Charlotte
135 6'6 SG Kevin Prather Shreveport
136 6'7 SF Kevin Lopez Tampa
137 6'8 C Louis Dukes Greenville
138 6'4 SG Justin Rollins Hot Springs
139 6'2 PG Brett Shankle Honolulu
140 6'5 PG Stephen Bartholomew Del Mar
141 6'9 C Jackie Cross Blacksburg
142 6'7 PF Maxwell Henry Ames
143 6'3 SG George Faulkner Columbia
144 6'4 SG Carlos Campbell Casper
145 6'7 C Anthony Kollar Wichita
146 6'6 SG Reginald Kouba Santa Fe
147 6'11 C Craig Hubbard Jersey City
148 6'4 SG Ben Corbett Aberdeen
149 6'8 C Todd Kehl Albany
150 6'6 SG Jimmy Geary Wichita

Created by League Commissioner v1.0.3